P&G Oral Care at CES
After more than six years of market research, P&G was ready to introduce a revolutionary new product to the world at CES. The largest consumer technology conference in the world, CES has been the proving ground for innovators and breakthrough technologies for more than 50 years.
As the Creative Director on the project, we were challenged to create a compelling narrative journey and immersive experience that would not only stand out within the 4,000 square foot P&G LifeLab and CES trade show floor, but could also be mobilized across cities and events to come. Working with a team of designers, strategists, technologists and fabricators, over 600 people went through the Smile Station experience resulting in over 1.4B total media impressions.
My Role: Creative Direction | Experience & Graphic Design | Interactive & Video Creative Direction | Content Strategy | Event Logistics & Management | Brand Strategy | Operational Strategy | Design Project Management
“There are no words for what an amazing experience you imagined and brought to life for our new Oral-B iO.”
Jason Shaw, Brand Design Director, Global Oral Care